Precious Moments

I've been alive for already 16 years in this world. I've grown up, gained knowledge and understanding, met different friends, and surpassed difficulties. My life has been pretty exciting so far; and most of the memories I've brought with me is from my school days. A very big part of my life happened in school. It's funny how day by day, we think nothing has changed but when we look back, everything is completely different. That's why every time I reminisce about the past, it always brings tears to my eyes. My elementary years is mostly like any other. It consists of studying and playing. An afternoon never passes without me getting wet all over after playing round after round of children's games. Back then I didn't think about my appearance, my grades, my image, or anything. I just do what I do and had fun. But the moment I entered high school, everything changed in an instant. I became very grade conscious, which is the #1 caption for our section. I also became worried about my appearance although I don't have a guy I like in particular. I felt like entering high school was the first step into becoming a full grown teenager. Still, I know I'm still a child at heart. However different it may seem, they are both parts of my school life and they both consist of two vital components in my life, FUN and EXCITEMENT.


Oh, I like yor post gals! It is so fun and I could relate. Congratulations!

July 8, 2008 at 12:30 PM  

Well, all I can say is that I really like your blog. It's so enjoyable to read. God bless you all.

-Jeffrey P. Pingkian-

July 8, 2008 at 1:01 PM  

About this post, it so moving because that I could relate to it, because I myself, also experienced the same thing.

Charles E. Cabato
July 8,2008
8:05 PM

July 8, 2008 at 8:40 PM  

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